Several species of cavity nesting birds are on the decline in northwestern Minnesota and the Red River Valley – among them Chimney Swifts, Eastern Bluebirds, Purple Martins and American Kestrels. Agassiz Audubon is looking for volunteers - students, adults and families - to participate in a citizen-science project that provides an opportunity to literally touch wild birds and participate in a conservation project that will make an immediate and tangible difference.
We're recruiting local businesses, teachers, students, youth groups and interested adults – to help construct, install and monitor nesting structures and learn how to report important data to Cornell University’s Laboratory of Ornithology.
You don't have to be an expert to participate.
To join us, contact: Agassiz Audubon at 218-745-5663.
Here are links to information about nest boxes, designs and monitoring protocols.
General Information about Nest Boxes:
Homes for Birds, US Fish & Wildlife Service
Backyard Bird Problems, US Fish & Wildlife Service
Purple Martins:
Photos of Purple Martins (eggs to fledglings)
Starting a Trail
Top Ten Tips for Successful Bluebird Boxes
American Kestrels:
Nest Box plans
Chimney Swifts:
Tower Design
Monitoring and Reporting:
Cornell Nest Watch